Mainpage display on PC/Mac

Mainpage display on PC/Mac
Introducing chat rooms. We are starting chat rooms, and we're going to invite people little by little. Note that for now, chat rooms are in beta version and it's just a warm-up. There's a limit of 100 users (for now). This limit will be lifted, little by little. As community members, you have priority. ***Important : the chat is a different app also hosted by fetzilla, you will need to create an account but you can also just login as guest.***
Petite AriaI promise I'll be there when I have some time
petite foxxxetteI never gonna give you up. I never gonna let you down.
D-Day -1. We are about to open to a wide (and wild) public, it is time to say something meaningful here, a statement that will, for the years to come, warm the hearts of the future generations of fetish lovers who are going to join us: I, really, like lasagna! Also follow this group for information and stuff: